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Ryan Geyer

Make Enterprise IT Go Brrrr…

Here we go again

Here we go again

Six years. That’s how long it’s been since the last time I published something on my blog!

Back then, I still only had my three boys, the youngest of which was barely six months old.

Nine years, is how long it’s been since I’ve written a technical article of any sort and published it to the internet.

That changes now!

In those intervening years, I’ve picked up several very tech’y hobbies. I’ve also renewed my interest in running a home-lab on the latest “cloud native” technologies, which I’m also using as a platform to teach IT and operations to my son(s). So I thought it was high time I fire up a new blog where I can share these projects, as well as being able to keep track of them for myself.

What should you expect to find here in the future?

Things like;

  • Project updates on my 2005 Subaru Outback XT
    • Mechanical progress to get it on the road
    • The reverse-engineering process I underwent to understand the immobilizer system.
  • Kubernetes home-lab goodeness
  • “Maker” projects including CAD design & 3D printing, Arduino, and wood working.
  • My personal descent into madness as I try to wrap my head around “observability”
  • Whatever else occupies my mind

As you can likely see, the site is bare-bones for now. No support for comments, and not a lot of “extras” in the layout. This is intentional, and I expect the site and feature-set to grow organically, which should give me more to write about as well!

I’m going to keep this space focused on tech and hobbies, and keep the more personal stuff elsewhere, so keep an eye on this space for content like that.